Levertijd: 5-7 werkdagen

Black Mass

Mark A. Daniel

prijs: € 35.50

482 pagina's, Hardback

ISBN: 9798869158086

Over het boek

An evil cult has risen in the bowels of New Orleans. Cole, the man who established this cult, directs his queen's efforts toward his goal, which is a fiery destruction followed by the establishment of a new order over which he and she will rule. Julie Williams is a witch, descended from a centuries old line of witches. Julie has learned through visions and ceremonies of the coming fire. She teams up with Dean Curtis, a construction site manager in Dallas, and Aaron White, a young deaf child whose parents are killed by the cult. The three of them travel to New Orleans to confront the cult and try to stop the coming destruction.
TitelBlack Mass
Auteur(s)Mark A. Daniel
Aantal pagina's482
UitgeverOwl's Nest Publishers, LLC
Levertijd5-7 werkdagen
Prijs€ 35.50
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