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Conspiracy Ignites

John Bertucci

prijs: € 34.50

374 pagina's, Hardback

ISBN: 9781955541459

Over het boek

A group of billionaires and other wealthy powerful people, both foreign and domestic, decide to use devious means to gain the American presidency. With unlimited funds, they want to take down the country through any method possible: conspiracy theories, election fraud, lies, innuendoes, and outright violence. Can these bullies succeed in their pursuit to control the greatest country in the world? Only a small group of people are aware of these radicals. The future of the United States might rest with this faction-not the rich and famous, not the politicians, and not the courts. Who will win this battle of wills and cunning manipulation?
TitelConspiracy Ignites
Auteur(s)John Bertucci
OndertitelBook Three in the Conspiracy Series
Aantal pagina's374
Prijs€ 34.50
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